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The Hugel family are faithfully implementing the major principles they inherited from their ancestors and are driven to make Hugel and Alsace wine the great white wines of the 21st century.

Hugel wines have become very popular with Irish consumers and wine lovers worldwide, due in no small part to their wonderful versatility with modern food dishes. They are the most flexible of wines in terms of food pairings: cheese, fish, lamb, Indian, Asian, fusion and of course more traditional foods are all enhanced by these wonderful wines. Hugel wines represent real value for money, in particular Hugel Gentil. Hugel Gentil is the only Hugel wine that is a blend of several varieties and the perfect introduction to Alsace wines, suited to many occasions. This wine revives an ancient Alsace tradition where wines assembled from noble grape varieties were called ‘Gentil’. Gentil ‘Hugel’ allies the suave, spicy flavour of Gewurztraminer, the body of Pinot Gris, the finesse of Riesling, the grapiness of Muscat and the refreshing character of Sylvaner.

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Wines by Hugel

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